Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The List

My List for Jenny:

  1. I will always stand by you and hold you. And if you want to be alone, I’ll give you your space, but I’ll always be near.
  2. I will give you my love and not expect anything in return.
  3. I will continue to make lists of things you like, and do it.
  4. I will always be there to LISTEN.
  5. I love you for the way you are now, and who you will grow into.
  6. I know you will not be “happy” all the time, but I’ll still make every effort to make you happy.
  7. I will always think of you even when I’m busy.
  8. I will embrace your family as I embrace you.
  9. I’ll always be excited about the things you are excited about.
  10. Most importantly, I’ll always love you with all my heart.
  11. (As requested by Jenny) I will always ask you for dates, no matter how long we've been together.
  12. I will always give you any favors you request of me.