Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The List

My List for Jenny:

  1. I will always stand by you and hold you. And if you want to be alone, I’ll give you your space, but I’ll always be near.
  2. I will give you my love and not expect anything in return.
  3. I will continue to make lists of things you like, and do it.
  4. I will always be there to LISTEN.
  5. I love you for the way you are now, and who you will grow into.
  6. I know you will not be “happy” all the time, but I’ll still make every effort to make you happy.
  7. I will always think of you even when I’m busy.
  8. I will embrace your family as I embrace you.
  9. I’ll always be excited about the things you are excited about.
  10. Most importantly, I’ll always love you with all my heart.
  11. (As requested by Jenny) I will always ask you for dates, no matter how long we've been together.
  12. I will always give you any favors you request of me.

Monday, February 12, 2007



We all have them. Either the baggages from the consequences of something we have done in the past or from something someone has done to us in the past.

In our daily routine, it is easy to hide our baggages. In fact, we purposely suppresse these baggages to keep the pain from resurfacing and from hurting ourselves or others again.

As we journey through life we get hurt, we get wounded, and we end up carrying these debts the people owe us and is like we carry them everywhere we go. And after awhile these bags get heavy, don't they? And they can end up making the journey exhausting.
~Rob Bell, 007 Luggage
And as God weaves two lives together in a relationship, these baggages are exposed. Wounds are reopened. Pain resurfaces. Because of this, there is an even greater tendency to hold on tightly to these baggages and to hide them. However, if it is God's hands that weaves this two lives together, these pains and wounds will be covered by the love of the other and by the love of God.

And that the beauty of a transparent relationship - the baggages no longer makes the journey exhausting, but enjoyable.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Under the Microscope

I guess the scary, yet exciting, part of being in a relationship is people around you observe you under the microscope. You become the talk and the gossip among friends. People start to speculate how far the relationship will go, and how are the two as a couple.

Many people will find this scary to be under the eye and constant scrutiny for those around them. Then why is this exciting? Inevitably, the couple is witnessing - whether it is good witness or bad witness. And that is SO cool... this is a few instances people "want" to be witnessed to. And if the relationship leads to marriage, this might be the ONE opportunity that friend or family will step inside a church and head the Gospel.

Learning from my high school councilor, Felix, this is the attitude I have been taking in my relationship with Jenny. Keeping in mind, before every action I take or before every word I say I would think about how would my congregation react. How would they see me as a witness to them? More importantly, Jenny being the only Christian in her family, how would her father see our relationship? How about her grandma? And her brothers, Evan and Phivan? Even her aunt and cousins in Hong Kong! I find myself falling in love with her family because I long to see the day they accept the love of Christ into their hearts. Please join me in prayers for them.

Last but not least, there are Jenny's high school friends too: Robyn, Jennifer, Christina, Clare, Annie, Damaris and Fred (and of course baby Diego). Called to be witness... according to God's purpose.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses...
~Acts 1:8ff

Love and blessings,

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
~Romans 8:28
I've been thinking recently, reflecting of the sermon I preached on Romans 8. Jenny has been on my mind, no point in denying that. Even Jenn and Andrea will make a point about it every Monday in class because I would be wearing the scarf that Jenny made. Praise the Lord. But Romans 8 reminds us that all things God works for the good of those who love him. The is one reason I decided to start this blog with Jenny, to encourage each other to love him and to put Him first in our lives. That is the best way to guard our hearts, as in the verse that we both hold dearly:
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do."
~Proverbs 4:23
The second reason for this blog is for us to encourage each other on the calling God has for us - who have been called according to His purpose. The Lord has put intertwine our life stories together not only for our pleasure but for a greater purpose, that he will use us to carry out His will. And prayerfully as we embark on this journey together for as long as He allows, we will use this dialog to discover God's purpose and focus our relationship on our Maker.

Love and blessings,